WP Engine Review 2024: Best in Class WordPress Hosting?

WP Engine Review

In this WP Engine review, we will examine the various aspects of WP Engine’s managed hosting service, including its pricing, speed and overall user experience.

By exploring user reviews and comparing WP Engine to other web hosting providers, readers will gain a clear understanding of whether this hosting solution meets their specific needs.

WP Engine is a leading web hosting provider specializing in managed WordPress hosting solutions. With its services tailored to meet the needs of websites powered by the popular content management system, WP Engine offers a range of plans to accommodate the varying demands of individuals and businesses alike.

Their hosting plans are designed to deliver optimal performance, security and reliability. With features such as automatic security updates, daily backups and one-click restore points, WP Engine ensures that their customers’ websites remain secure and up-to-date.

Moreover, the company prides itself on offering responsive and helpful customer support, making it a top choice for many looking to host their WordPress sites.

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Overview of WP Engine

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WP Engine is a leading managed hosting company that specializes in providing WordPress hosting solutions. This hosting service is designed for users who want a hassle-free and fast hosting environment for their WordPress websites.

As a managed hosting solution, WP Engine takes care of all the technical aspects of a website, such as security updates, daily backups and server performance, so users can focus on creating content and managing their online business.

WordPress is the world’s most popular CMS (content management system), known for its ease of use and flexibility. It enables users to design and manage websites without extensive coding skills.

With such a widely-used platform, it is crucial to choose a hosting company that offers a reliable service tailored to the needs of WordPress users.

WP Engine offers a range of web hosting services, including the Startup Plan at $20 per month, the Professional Plan at $40 per month and more advanced plans for larger businesses and enterprises.

All plans come with a free SSL certificate, a firewall and automatic security updates to ensure website safety.

One of the key features of WP Engine as a WordPress hosting provider is its focus on speed and performance. The company has server locations across four continents – North America, Asia, Europe and Australia – improving performance and response times for visitors around the globe.

Apart from speed, WP Engine also offers dependable security measures, such as daily time machine-like backups for easy rollback or restores. This feature is especially useful for users who need to maintain the integrity and functionality of their WordPress website, regardless of any changes made over time.

Overall, WP Engine is a reputable hosting provider that specializes in managed WordPress hosting. With a focus on speed, reliability and security, it is an ideal choice for users looking to benefit from a robust hosting environment tailored specifically to the needs of WordPress websites.

Plans and Pricing

WP Engine offers a range of hosting plans suitable for different types of customers.

These hosting plans are primarily focused on Managed WordPress hosting and eCommerce hosting. Let’s take a closer look at these plans and their pricing structures.

Managed WordPress Hosting

For those looking to host their WordPress site, WP Engine offers four premium managed WordPress hosting plans:

  • Startup Plan: Priced at $20 per month, this plan is suitable for small businesses and individuals. It allows up to 25,000 visits per month, comes with 10GB of storage and caters to a single WordPress website.
  • Growth Plan: This mid-tier plan costs $77 per month and is designed for growing businesses. It can support up to 100,000 visits per month, offers 20GB of storage and allows hosting for five WordPress websites.
  • Scale Plan: Priced at $193 per month, the Scale plan is geared towards larger enterprises. It supports up to 400,000 visits per month, includes 50GB of storage and hosts up to 15 WordPress websites.
  • Custom Plan: For even larger organizations, WP Engine offers a custom hosting solution. The exact features and price for this plan are available upon request.

eCommerce Hosting

WP Engine also supports WooCommerce, a popular eCommerce platform for WordPress. The eCommerce hosting plans are specifically designed for online stores and are available in three tiers:

  • Storefront Plan: Starting at $30 per month, this plan is ideal for smaller online stores. It includes 10GB of storage and 50GB of bandwidth per month.
  • Ask an Expert: A more advanced offering that targets mid-sized online businesses. For $125 per month, users get professional assistance for designing and managing their online store, along with 20GB of storage and 200GB of bandwidth.
  • Custom Solution: Catering to large-scale online stores, WP Engine offers a custom eCommerce hosting solution. The pricing and features of this plan are available upon request.

All of WP Engine’s hosting plans offer important features such as daily backups, automated security updates and one-click restore points.

By using a mixture of plans, WP Engine ensures that businesses of all sizes can find a suitable hosting solution for their WordPress and eCommerce website needs.

Performance and Uptime

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WP Engine is a web hosting provider that specializes in WordPress websites. One of their key strengths is delivering consistent uptime and performance for their customers. WP Engine guarantees 99.95% uptime, which can be increased to 99.99% with an enhanced Service Level Agreement (SLA) for added peace of mind.

In terms of server locations, WP Engine has data centers in North America, Europe and Asia. This global presence enables them to serve WordPress sites with low latency, ultimately resulting in faster load times for end-users.

To further improve site performance and speed, WP Engine employs their proprietary EverCache technology.

This advanced caching system helps to reduce the loading time of WordPress sites by storing frequently accessed data in local storage.

Additionally, the EverCache technology works in conjunction with global Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) to efficiently deliver content to users from the nearest server, further boosting website speed.

Moreover, WP Engine is proactive in implementing security measures like DDoS protection, ensuring their customers’ WordPress sites remain resilient against potential threats.

This level of protection not only safeguards websites from being taken offline but also contributes to maintaining site performance during any attempted attacks.

Here are some highlights of WP Engine’s performance and uptime:

  • Guaranteed uptime of 99.95%, with an option to upgrade to 99.99% with an enhanced SLA
  • Server locations in North America, Europe and Asia for low latency and fast load times
  • Proprietary EverCache technology for improved website speed and performance
  • Global CDN integration to further boost site loading times
  • DDoS protection to ensure site resilience and consistent performance

Security and Stability

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WP Engine prioritizes the security and stability of its managed WordPress hosting services for its customers.

They have implemented various measures to ensure trust, data protection and reliable performance, including:

  • SSL Certificate: WP Engine provides free SSL certificates for all its hosting plans, ensuring secure communication between users and the hosted websites. This is particularly important for e-commerce websites using WooCommerce, as it gives customers the confidence to enter sensitive information, such as credit card details, during transactions.
  • Caching System: WP Engine has developed its own proprietary caching system called EverCache, designed specifically for WordPress sites. EverCache improves site performance by automatically caching pages and content, reducing the server load and allowing sites to handle numerous concurrent visitors without compromising speed.
  • Data Centers: WP Engine partners with Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Services (AWS) to offer a reliable, globally-distributed infrastructure. This partnership ensures redundant data centers, low latency and optimal performance for hosted websites regardless of their location.
  • WordPress-specific Security: WP Engine focuses on addressing WordPress-related vulnerabilities and threats. They offer automatic updates, security patches and real-time threat detection to protect against hacking attempts and malware. In the event of a security incident, their team of experts provides free hacking remediation support.
  • WooCommerce Protection: For e-commerce sites using WooCommerce, WP Engine offers additional security features to protect sensitive customer data. These include server-level protection, isolated environments and real-time backups to provide a safe and stable experience.

Customer Support and Experience

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WP Engine is known for providing reliable customer support to its users. They offer 24/7 support at every tier, which ensures that customers can always reach out for assistance when needed.

The most basic Startup tier includes a 24/7 chat option, which allows customers to quickly connect with a support representative to resolve any issues.

In terms of customer experience, WP Engine has received high ratings on Trustpilot, with users giving it a remarkable 4.5 out of 5. This indicates that many of their customers have had positive experiences with the company’s hosting services and support team.

Notable aspects of their service that users appreciate include:

  • Responsiveness: WP Engine is known for its quick response time to support inquiries, ensuring that customers receive timely assistance.
  • Reliability: Due to its uptime and performance capabilities, WP Engine has become a trustworthy option for hosting WordPress sites.

One of the main factors that contribute to a positive customer experience is the company’s focus on the needs of its users.

WP Engine aims to provide a platform that is easy to use, has excellent page loading speed and performance and offers comprehensive support for any issues that may arise.

As a result, WP Engine is a recommended choice for managed WordPress hosting services, allowing users to focus on delivering the best possible experience to their website visitors.

Features and Tools

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Interface and Ease of Use

WP Engine provides a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for clients to manage their WordPress sites effectively.

The platform includes convenient tools and features, ensuring streamlined site management for users of all levels.

WordPress Plugins and Themes

WP Engine offers a wide range of WordPress plugins, premium themes and integrations to customize and enhance website functionality.

With support for popular plugins such as WooCommerce, WP Engine enables clients to create e-commerce websites tailored to their specific needs.

WordPress Multisite

WP Engine supports WordPress multisite, allowing clients to manage multiple sites from a single dashboard.

This feature simplifies site management for organizations with a network of WordPress websites, providing increased efficiency for site administrators.

WP Engine Staging Environments

WP Engine offers staging environments that enable users to test and develop their sites before pushing changes to the live environment.

This feature promotes a smooth development process and minimizes downtime by providing a separate space for testing new features, updates and design changes.

Git Integration

WP Engine integrates seamlessly with Git, a popular version control system for developers.

Git integration allows clients to track changes to their codebase, collaborate with team members and roll back to previous versions should any issues occur.

CDN Integration

With CDN integration, WP Engine provides fast content delivery for clients’ websites, improving user experience and site loading times.

A CDN, or Content Delivery Network, works by caching and delivering content through a network of servers distributed globally, ensuring speedy access to site resources for users around the world.

Headless WordPress

WP Engine supports headless WordPress, which enables clients to leverage the benefits of WordPress on the back-end while using other frameworks for the front-end.

This allows for the development of versatile applications and offers developers the flexibility to create unique user experiences using the technologies they prefer.

Advanced Solutions and Scalability

Advanced Solutions Graphic

WP Engine offers advanced solutions and scalability for WordPress users.

Utilizing the Google Cloud Platform, they provide a stable and secure environment for websites to grow.

Their dedicated hosting options cater to businesses with high traffic volume, ensuring the stability of the site even during peak hours.

The platform allows for easy installation and management of WordPress sites.

Automated backups help ensure data security and integrity, while the bandwidth allocation is sufficient for handling substantial traffic without compromising performance.

Scalability is one of the key features that WP Engine provides.

As a website grows in terms of users and content, WP Engine’s hosting plans can be easily upgraded to accommodate that growth.

This allows businesses to focus on their core operations without worrying about server limitations or resource constraints.

Here are some of the features that make WP Engine standout in terms of advanced solutions and scalability:

  • Google Cloud Platform: Utilizing a robust and secure infrastructure to improve website stability and performance.
  • Dedicated Hosting: Hosting plans tailored for high-traffic websites, ensuring smooth operations during peak hours.
  • Easy Installations: Hassle-free WordPress installations and management.
  • Automated Backups: Ensuring data security and restoration in case of unforeseen issues.
  • Bandwidth Allocations: Sufficient bandwidth to handle substantial traffic without compromising performance.
  • Scalability: Seamless upgrade of hosting plans as the website grows.

While WP Engine might have a higher price point compared to some hosting providers, they do offer a generous 60-day money-back guarantee.

This allows customers to test and evaluate the quality of their hosting services with minimal risk.

Overall, WP Engine’s advanced solutions and scalability make them a reliable option for WordPress users looking for a stable and flexible hosting platform.

WP Engine Marketplace and Ecosystem

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WP Engine offers a rich marketplace and ecosystem for its users, with a range of tools and services aimed at enhancing the web development experience on the platform.

One of the key components of this ecosystem is StudioPress, a premium collection of WordPress themes and frameworks designed to improve website aesthetics and SEO standing.

I cover this more in-depth in my StudioPress review.

StudioPress offers a diverse range of stylish and functional themes catering to different industries and user preferences.

In addition to StudioPress, WP Engine supports WordPress multisite, a functionality that allows users to manage multiple WordPress sites from a single dashboard.

Particularly useful for web development agencies or businesses with multiple web properties, WordPress multisite streamlines site management and enables uniform theme and plugin updates, as well as efficient user-role assignments.

WP Engine has also embraced the growing trend of headless WordPress, offering tailored solutions for developers seeking to harness the CMS’s flexibility and leverage other front-end technologies.

The platform provides APIs, support and resources to help with the implementation of headless WordPress applications, enhancing website performance and developer experience.

One of the most valuable aspects of WP Engine’s ecosystem is its strong partner network, which includes digital agencies, marketing experts and global enterprises.

This network provides clients with access to expertise and resources that can help them optimize their WordPress websites.

From marketing strategy consultation to technical implementation assistance, WP Engine clients can benefit from these partnerships to strengthen their web presence.

Finally, WP Engine has an extensive suite of marketing tools that enable users to easily promote their websites and achieve greater visibility.

Among these tools are tracking capabilities, marketing automation integration and social media management.

By offering robust marketing support alongside its web development solutions, they help ensure that both the creative and functional aspects of its users’ websites are effectively managed.

Overall, WP Engine’s marketplace and ecosystem provide a comprehensive set of tools, services and partnerships that enhance the entire WordPress experience — from web development to marketing and beyond.


  • Fully managed WordPress hosting solution.
  • 60-day money back guarantee.
  • High performance hosting with fast loading times for your website.
  • 99.95% server uptime.
  • Proprietary EverCache caching technology for improved site performance.
  • Runs on the Google Cloud Platform or Amazon Web Services (your choice).
  • Built in Content Delivery Network via CloudFlare.
  • Excellent 24/7 customer support via live chat, phone and email.
  • Includes the Genesis WordPress framework for free, plus 10+ premium WordPress themes.


  • Domain is not included. Must purchase elsewhere.
  • Business email hosting not included.
  • A bit more pricey than other popular hosts due to managed hosting requirement.

WP Engine User Reviews and Feedback

WP Engine Trustpilot Reviews

WP Engine has received positive feedback from various sources and customers have highlighted their satisfaction in numerous reviews.

Trustpilot Reviews

On Trustpilot, users appreciate the responsiveness and helpfulness of the WP Engine support team.

One customer shared their experience of transferring to WP Engine, stating that web hosting was noticeably faster and the transition process was easy.

Customer Reviews on G2 and Gartner

WP Engine has a 4.6 out of 5 rating on G2.

Out of 259 reviews, 210 users have given 5 stars, 35 give 4 stars and only a small portion of users rate the platform lower.

Furthermore, WP Engine also received positive ratings on Gartner.

Some of the key points mentioned in the reviews are:

  • WP Engine’s user-friendly interface and easy-to-use tools make it convenient for managing clients’ WordPress sites.
  • Customers have observed noticeable improvements in load times and overall performance since switching to WP Engine.
  • The platform offers great features like daily backups and cloud platform flexibility, which have been appreciated by users.

In summary, the user reviews and feedback from various sources reflect a generally favorable view of WP Engine’s services.

The platform’s performance, customer support and user-friendly interface have been consistently praised by customers in their reviews.

Future and Direction

As WP Engine continues to evolve and adapt to changing market demands, the company is likely to focus on several key areas that will shape its future and direction.

Firstly, they are committed to staying at the forefront of innovation when it comes to hosting, performance and security.

Clients can expect continued improvements to the platform, such as implementing cutting-edge technologies, faster loading times and enhanced security measures.

Secondly, the company is likely to prioritize customer experience and support.

They have already invested in offering a comprehensive and user-friendly dashboard, as well as providing expert guidance and responsive assistance to its clients.

Expect further enhancements in this area, such as streamlined on-boarding processes and even more resources for learning and troubleshooting.

Additionally, they may focus on expanding its range of plans and pricing options to cater to the diverse needs of WordPress users.

While the current offerings suit many businesses, there is potential for the introduction of more specialized packages or tailored plans, allowing customers to select the features and resources most suited to their specific requirements.

Lastly, they are expected to continue collaborating with industry-leading partners within the WordPress ecosystem.

These partnerships contribute to the company’s ability to offer unique tools, plugins and features that empower users to create custom, high-performance websites.

By forging strong relationships with prominent technology providers, WP Engine stays informed about the latest trends and developments in the web-hosting space, positioning itself to respond effectively to emerging customer needs.

Knowing this, the company’s future and direction will likely be characterized by a commitment to performance and innovation, a focus on customer satisfaction, the expansion of plan options and strategic partnerships.

Where is WP Engine Located?

WP Engine is located in the United States at 504 Lavaca Street, Suite 1000
Austin, TX 78701. They can be reached by calling 1-877-973-6446.

Is Managed WordPress Hosting worth it?

Yes, managed WordPress hosting is worth it for those who don’t have the time or expertise to manage their WordPress CMS on a lower-tier host.

Is WP Engine expensive?

They are more expensive than lower-tier hosts, however they provide extra value by managing WordPress for you. Plus, their technology and customer support are highly rated.

WP Engine Alternatives

It’s tough to beat WP Engine in terms of value for the price. However, here are three alternatives to WP Engine for WordPress hosting.

  • Bluehost – Best for low-cost and those who can manage WordPress on their own.
  • SiteGround – Best for those seeking better WordPress hosting performance and can manage WordPress on their own.
  • WPX Hosting – Best WordPress managed hosting alternative.

WP Engine Review Conclusion

WP Engine stands out as a reliable hosting provider for WordPress sites, thanks to their focus on uptime, performance and security features. For those seeking a hosting solution tailored to the needs of their WordPress websites, WP Engine is a strong contender to consider.

They have established itself as a reputable managed WordPress hosting provider. They offer a comprehensive suite of security features and a stable infrastructure to ensure their customers can trust the reliability and performance of their online presence.

If you’re looking for non-managed WordPress hosting at the cheapest cost, WP Engine won’t be your best choice.

If you are looking for managed WordPress hosting that offers a full suite of tools, themes, plugins, speed and security, WP Engine will likely be a great choice for you.

They will manage your WordPress back-end for you, while you focus on building content for your website.

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